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Terms and Conditions (GTC)

M by Magazzini Ltd offers customers the following terms and conditions through the online shop under the domains:

MOLL  Online Shop

All terms and conditions are offered under Hong Kong Consumer Council and do not void your statutory rights.

  1. Scope / General provisions
    1.1 The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the contracts concluded between M by Magazzini Ltd and the customer via the online shop.

1.2 Customers within the meaning of these GTC are consumers or companies purchasing from

1.2.1 A consumer is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes which are predominantly neither commercial nor self-employed.

1.2.2 Companies within the meaning of these terms and conditions is any natural or legal person or legal partnership, with which is entered into a business relationship and in the exercise of a commercial or independent professional activity.

1.3 The laws of the Hong Kong apply.

1.3.1 For consumers who do not conclude the contract for professional or commercial purposes, the choice of law according to Number 1.3 of these GTC shall only apply to the extent that the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his habitual residence, is withdrawn.

  1. Conclusion of the contract / contract language / contract text storage
    2.1 The products and services listed within the online shop do not constitute M by Magazzini Ltd binding offers; it is rather an invitation to the customer to make a binding offer by submitting an order.

2.2 By sending the order from the virtual “shopping cart”, the customer makes a binding order for the articles contained in it.  M by Magazzini Ltd will confirm the receipt of this order immediately to the customer in text form by e-mail.

2.3 M by Magazzini Ltd is entitled to accept the contract offer of the customer within three working days after receipt of the order.  The contract with the customer comes only with the explicit acceptance of the order by M by Magazzini Ltd.

2.4 The contract language is English.

2.5 The text of the contract is stored by M by Magazzini Ltd.  The order data together with the terms of the contract including these GTC are sent to the customer separately in text form. The terms and conditions can also be accessed via the website in the online shop and downloaded in PDF.

  1. Prices / terms of payment
    3.1 All prices represent final prices – they include all price components including delivery and installation in HONG KONG.

3.1.1 Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, the purchase prices plus delivery and  shipping costs apply to the goods to be delivered outside Hong Kong.

3.2 M by Magazzini Ltd accepts the payment methods stated on the website and offered to the customer for selection. The customer selects the preferred method of payment from among the available payment methods himself.

3.2.1 In the case of a payment by cheque or bank transfer, the customer agrees to pay the purchase price plus applicable delivery and shipping cost, at least 5 days prior to the delivery. The account information will be communicated together with the request for payment.

  1. Delivery and Shipping 

4.1 M by Magazzini Ltd will deliver the goods to the customer’s designated delivery address and at which time the customer will inspect and accept the goods.

4.1.1 The delivery of the items purchased by the customer takes place in the case of a payment by cheque, bank transfer or eWay within seven working days after receipt of payment, unless in connection with the article offer a longer delivery time is explicitly indicated. Longer delivery may occur in case items purchased are not in stock or are available via special order.

4.2.1 The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the sold item is transferred to deliveries to entrepreneurs with the transfer to them or a person entitled to receive, in the case of dispatch sale already with the delivery of the goods to a suitable transport person.

4.2.2 For deliveries to consumers, the risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the goods sold always passes to the consumer upon transfer of the goods to the consumer.

4.2.3 With regard to the assumption of risk, it is the same for the transfer if the customer is in default of acceptance.

  • Es befinden sich keine Produkte im Warenkorb.