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Possibly this is the most efficient square meter of all time: With a Rotafile rotating shelf, the problem of storage is solved intelligently and in a space-saving way. Compared to conventional shelving systems, Rotafile rotating shelves combine maximum capacity in the smallest possible space, resulting in an effective space gain. You have the choice: with the particularly flexible Multifile, all levels can be rotated individually, while with the Compactfile, all levels rotate simultaneously.

moll Compactfile

More space for thinking and working, also and especially at the workstation at home: The Compactfile rotating shelf is the cost-effective and extremely space-saving alternative to conventional storage shelves.

moll Multifile

Invented by moll, it has found its place wherever intelligent and maximally flexible storage space is required: the moll Multifile rotating shelf with a diameter of just 80 cm and individually turnable shelves.

360°: Organizing all around with compact space saving solutions

Binders, products, office supplies, paperwork: it’s not always easy to store everything in a simple and uncomplicated way. Often, archiving takes away valuable working space and thus living space as well. As a specialist for ergonomic workspace optimization, moll took up this topic at an early stage: As early as 1960, moll presented a completely new product with the rotating filing solution, which today has become the archiving standard worldwide – even in the private environment.

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